Abraxis Complex 2: Sword of Damocles Read online

Page 9

  "Any time we lose a Ranger, it is a loss to all of us, Fixer," Abraxis replied. "However, I appreciate your sentiment."

  She smiled at him as she left her workshop, and he faded out.

  "Command, this is Greg, looks like we made it back," Greg called shortly after they dropped back into real space.

  "Yes it does. You're actually a little early; we had you dropping out in another twenty minutes. You're in time for lunch," Mandi replied.

  "Good! I'm starving!" Greg replied. "Requesting approach vector and landing clearance, Mandi"

  "Kinda crowded up there today, we have two commercial flights in the area and one military flight, Approach from south on vector zero-five degrees at angels twenty, drop to nape fifty miles out and make your run. I'm raising the gantry now. I have your ETA in six minutes," Mandi said.

  "Slow approach huh?" Greg asked grinning.

  "Duh! Just make sure you drop to nape at fifty miles, or you’re going to scare the hell out of those liners," Mandi said.

  "Whatever gets them to get out of the way!” Greg replied. "We're inbound!"

  Out in the base, Jared was showing Lieutenant Mays around when the sled gantry began to raise, and the silo door opened. The sudden action startled the Lieutenant.

  "Relax, El-Tee, Greg and the girls are back early is all. The Command Center is raising the gantry to receive them. Let's head over there and maybe we can see them approach and land," Jared suggested, grinning.

  "Sorry Sir, I didn't mean to jump like that, I just wasn't expecting anything to start moving out here," Mays replied.

  Jared shook his head. "Don't sweat it, it actually surprised me too, I just covered it better!"

  Mandi was the only one in the Command Center when Jared and Mays arrived. "Hey Mandi! How far out are they?"

  "Just about a minute. I swear they're trying to find out how fast they actually can move through the atmosphere!" Mandi replied.

  "Oh? How fast are they going?" Jared asked.

  "Mach ten," she said and brought up the cameras at the top of the silo. As the onlookers watched, the three ships seemed to simply appear hovering over the cradles for the sleds. The trees and brush surrounding the silo swayed dangerously in the wake of the small ships.

  "Command, we're over the silo, and setting down now," Greg replied.

  "We see that. I think we might need to have a discussion about approach protocols, Commander," Jared said.

  "Uh oh! It looks like Greg's in trouble!" Bella teased.

  "I wouldn't tease him too much, Ranger Pilot!" Jared replied. "All navigation is the responsibility of the team Pilot if I'm not mistaken."

  "Actually, I think we're all in trouble," Jolene said. "After all, we were all speeding."

  "That you were, Rangers," Abraxis added. "Considerable damage was caused by your approach speed. Currently, it would be possible for a Drellian team to track you based on the wake damage from your passage."

  "Okay, so maybe the fast approach wasn't such a good idea," Greg replied.

  "Command, this is Washington. Are you guys doing anything down there?"

  Jared grinned. "The team just returned, Captain. We're discussing their method of approach now."

  "Jesus! I've got Marines scrambling to get in armor! We thought we were under some kind of attack!" Lionel said.

  "My apologies, Captain. It won't happen again," Greg replied.

  "Understood, Commander. I'll get them calmed down. Welcome home, team," Lionel added.

  "Thanks Captain," Jolene replied. "Welcome to the team."

  Lionel disconnected without replying.

  "Sir, it sounds like the Captain needs me, as much as would love to stick around, I should get back up there." Lieutenant Mays said.

  "I understand, Lieutenant. Do you need help finding the way out?" Jared asked.

  "No Sir, I can find my way," Mays replied. "I am Force Recon, Sir"

  Jared laughed, and dismissed her.

  While they had been bantering Greg and the team set their craft down gently in their cradles and the elevator was now descending as the silo doors closed. Mandi left Jared and met the team when the elevator finished coming down.

  All three Rangers had opened their cockpits as soon as the decon program had finished and had been just sitting in the cockpit waiting for the elevator to finish.

  "Yeah, the fast approach was a bad idea, I should have known better," Greg finished.

  "Well, I'm for a shower and some real food," Jolene said. "I know there isn't supposed to be a difference in the replicated stuff, but it just didn't taste right."

  "I'll check the programming for that after I finish the systems diagnostics, Jolly," Mandi said. "Any other issues I should know about?"

  "Nope, just the replicator thing, I guess. Eventually we might need to look at the simulator software. I suppose it could simply have been a mental issue, but flying the real thing sure seemed more... well, real." Bella said.

  Mandi got hugs from all three of her newly returned friends, and began hooking cables into the sleds, so her computers could get to work on them.

  "The General will be here in about a half hour for your debriefing," Mandi replied. "Like I said, you guys are a bit early."

  "We had a bit of a tailwind," Bella replied, grinning. The three Rangers headed for the ready room to change clothes and shower.

  Jared caught up with Greg in the cafeteria after Greg had gotten out of the shower. Greg held up a hand to prevent the ass chewing he was expecting. "I know, Dad. The high speed landings will stop, I promise."

  Jared, grinning, shook his head. "Not what I was going to say, actually. I was going to tell you good work, and congratulations on the success of your first mission."

  "Ah, in that case, I owe you an apology," Greg said. "Thanks, it was kinda scary there for a bit, but everything worked out. I just wish we hadn't lost anyone."

  "The possibility for loss exists in any military operation, Greg. All we can do is try to learn from it, and keep it from happening again," Jared replied.

  "So I was going to ask, why is the General debriefing us and not you?"

  Jared sighed. "I was going to do it, but I was too involved in the mission from this end. Carl only listened in during the actual combat. In this case, he would be the better choice to debrief you. We will eventually have this taken care of and you will be debriefed by our intelligence department."

  "It sounds like you and Carl had a good talk. Do you mind if I ask what got figured out?"

  "Greg, you're the Commander here. You have to start thinking like you're in the military, because in a way, you are," Jared said. "You have the right as well as the duty to know everything discussed or decided in your absence."

  "Okay, so what did you and Carl get figured out while I was gone?" Greg asked, grinning.

  Jared nodded. "That's more like it. Sharon has undertaken the design of a lunar facility, and has asked for the assistance of Ned, Jon and their people. Before you ask, no, the scientists have no idea we're doing anything more than theoretical planning and modeling." Jared stole one of Greg's fries, dipped it in barbecue sauce, and ate it.

  "Mandi is designing a shuttle that we can build here in one of the silos. We'll be able to use that to move people up to the lunar facility once it gets built. Abraxis has the other Ranger pod on standby for the base design as soon as we finalize it."

  Greg swallowed a drink of juice. "Okay, we're going to build a bigger facility on the moon. Where are we going to get the people?"

  "Selective recruiting. At some point after the lunar facility gets finished, our government will figure out what we've been up too. Once that happens, the rest of the world will be told and we will declare Independence from any nation of the planet, but not from the planet itself. However, before that happens we will be recruiting select individuals and their families for relocation to the moon. Currently, Abraxis is doing background work on the scientists and their families to make sure we can safely offer this to them. Both Ned
and Jon have already vouched for them, but we're trying to make sure.

  "As you know, Lionel and Emma are already up to speed. The background work on their Marines has been done. Three in our current group failed miserably, and Emma will be asking for them to be replaced later today." Greg paused him there.

  "Who's Emma?"

  "Lieutenant Mays, sorry. I suppose I should get used to thinking in military terms as well!" Jared answered. "Anyway, she'll get them replaced. Captain Washington is single and has no surviving family except for his father, and he refuses to claim that relationship. Lieutenant Mays is single but has family in Reno, her parents and two younger siblings. If we include the immediate families of the people we want to take with us, we're going to need a good-sized base, not to mention the amenities to keep them sane.

  Greg nodded. "Okay, we're going to build a new base on the moon, we want to take as many of the folks we have now as we can, plus add more later, including their families. The amount of people we are talking about will make it a lunar colony instead of a facility." Greg nodded. "What ideas or plans have been made about addressing the invasion fleets Prime will send here?"

  Jared stole more fries, and just took one container of sauce. "You and Abraxis will have to talk to the other teams and their people, but we have to build shipyards capable of building war ships. It will be up to the two of you to work out the details, but it would probably be best if we allied ourselves with them in order to maximize our efforts. With respect to the main Drellian forces, we are the furthest away, so it would make sense to build the major shipyards near us.

  "Abraxis tells me that the people of Onaris five specialize in computers and control systems; it would be fabulous if we could get them to build our control systems for the ships. Ranger Fighter Delion and her people already have a limited facility in place to build smaller vessels. If they could build either smaller components to be shipped here for final assembly, or undertake the construction of fighter craft, that would be an immense help."

  Greg nodded. "I understand, united we stand a much better chance for being ready for them when they get here than we would if we each tried to do it on our own." Greg touched the point behind his ear to activate his comm. "Abraxis? Please tie-in with Jared. Have you begun mentioning any of this to the other teams?"

  "In a very limited manner, Fighter. I should mention, however, that Fighter Delion has a very high opinion of you and was impressed by the amount of concern you showed for her and her team after the last battle. It should go a long way to gaining her support and that of her people," Abraxis replied.

  "I am also making certain that the people of Onaris Five know that all the ranger teams are honoring Fighter Planier in their own ways," Abraxis said.

  "All of us, even Ranger Hyuron's team?" Greg asked naming the fourth team that had been involved in the past battle.

  "On Greynus four, the home planet of Hyuron and his team, Rangers are viewed as Icons, and are idolized to some extent. You are not actively worshiped, but the entire society takes the role of Ranger very seriously. They were the first planet in this sector to evolve a Ranger team after this node was installed. The main road between the planetary capitol and the Ranger Base has the names of thousands of Rangers that have given their lives in the service of others. If you stop and touch one of the names, a hologram of the Ranger and a brief obituary will appear. The death of Ranger Planier will result in a national day of mourning, while his name is added to the path," Abraxis replied.

  "Abraxis, what is their strength? What part of our overall project best suits them?" Jared asked.

  "I am not sure I understand your question, Agent Danielson?" Abraxis replied.

  "The Onarians are computer and control systems experts. Harclens are wizards with small craft, and we have our propensity for violence and tenacity. Every race has its strengths, Abraxis, what's the strength of Hyuron's people?" Jared asked.

  "That would be engineering then. The Greynus are exceptional engineers. If you give them a design, they can find a way to make it a reality," Abraxis replied. "It is entirely too bad we could not employ them to construct the lunar facility. It would be safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. It would also be completed on a time frame comparable to one of my construction drones."

  "Wow, I didn't think that would even be possible!" Greg asked.

  "For the lack of a better description, they 'swarm' projects. They pile so many workers on a project that it is a wonder any of it gets completed, yet it does, and very rapidly," Abraxis replied.

  "They're insectoids aren't they?" Greg asked.

  "Yes they are," Abraxis replied. "How did you figure it out? When you spoke to the Ranger Fighters earlier, Hyuron was wearing her helmet."

  "Just this and that. Then when you said how they swarm projects, it all fell together. If we could have the Harclens provide transportation, and the Greynus to handle the engineering, we could get these projects finished a lot faster than planned!" Greg replied.

  "Wait a sec!" Jared said. "I know there are a lot of people that will have a major issue with insectoids building things for us."

  "Why? Greg asked.

  "Xenophobia," Abraxis answered. "Most humans would have a hard time adjusting to radically different species in close proximity. For the record, Agent Danielson, the Greynus are vegetarian, and non-violent by nature."

  "Do you think the Harclens or the other races would have an issue with them?" Greg asked.

  "I do not believe so," Abraxis replied. "The Harclens have developed limited interstellar flight, and have entered into trade agreements with two other races, however neither of those races are radically different in terms of physiology."

  "Maybe I should just ask them? We really should have a diplomatic section for this. Soldiers should never try to negotiate treaties," Greg replied.

  Jared chuckled. "Where did you ever hear that?"

  Greg shrugged. "I don't remember, I think I read it somewhere once."

  The next morning, when Greg finished what had become his morning routine, he found that Mandi was following him to his office.

  "What's up?" he asked.

  "Abraxis and I wanted to talk to you in your office about something this morning. If you agree, we can get started on it right away," Mandi replied.

  From the way she phrased it, he knew she considered it something that couldn't be discussed in a non-secure area. When they arrived at his office, Greg found Abraxis waiting for them.

  "Okay, what's got the two of you so fired up you needed to catch me in a secure place to talk to me about it?" Greg replied.

  Mandi sighed, and began. "I know we are planning on basically abandoning this base, but I think we're going to need to install some defenses just to be safe. I talked it over with Abraxis, and we think we can provide a good level of protection with just four installations."

  "What are we looking at installing, and where?" Greg asked.

  "The Fixer has designed a most devastating weapon for this atmosphere. A mass driver variant capable of the rapid firing of small exploding projectiles," Abraxis began and dimmed the lights to bring up the weapon Mandi designed. "This is equivalent to a heavy mount weapon and capable of horizon to horizon, surface to low orbit coverage. We could build four of these cannons on elevators that can be raised in the event they are needed."

  "Okay, my question would be, if we need to use them to defend ourselves, then the Drellians would know where to toss the heavy weapons, right?" Greg asked.

  "You are correct, Fighter. However, these could easily shoot those down, however, I believe Mandi had another enemy in mind," Abraxis added.

  Mandi nodded. "Our own people would take us out in a hot minute if they think they have lost control of us, you know that as well as I do. These guns would buy us the time we would need to get the people out of here. Once that was finished, we could simply destroy the rest of the base, those guns included. I used terrain guided, nuclear tipped, cruise missiles against them in compu
ter testing."

  "How long would it take to place them, and how much exposure would it take to do so?" Greg asked. "Assume that there is a spy-sat overhead,"

  "If we built small sheds on each corner of the compound, inside the fences, the drone could come up under them, modify the building, and put the guns in place," Mandi explained. "Zero surface exposure. We could leave a tunnel to each of them to do maintenance, or we could simply use the door on the shed."

  "Okay, will you need anything special to do this?" Greg asked.

  "Just for the construction crew that's up there now to build the sheds," Mandi replied. "Once those are done, we can take care of the rest. Although, the guards may hear some strange noises coming from inside them every now and then."

  "That won't be much of an issue soon, I hope. Most of the guards will know what they're guarding and will be going with us to the moon when it's time," Greg replied. "Okay, I'll put in the construction order, just leave me the dimensions that you need, and I'll see that it gets done." He smiled at her. "Good work, Mandi. Thank you for thinking of our defenses here."

  "Well, I was working on this design for some of our ships, and thought it would work really well here. The tech involved isn't even that much more advanced than what they already have," Mandi replied as she stood to leave.

  "Well, thanks again. Abraxis, could you stick around for a moment?" Greg asked as Mandi closed the door behind her.

  When they were alone, Greg asked Abraxis to connect him to Ranger Fighter Delion.

  "I thought you told Agent Danielson that you shouldn't work out the treaty?" Abraxis asked.

  "I honestly believe that, however, we are fresh out of diplomats at the moment so it kinda falls to me," Greg said. "I thought that since we are on such good terms with Delion that might be a good place to start, and at least get a feel for how this will be going."

  "Perhaps, I can tell you that the Greynus actually need trading partners. An asteroid strike in their southern hemisphere has seriously impacted food production. They have already lost some of their population to starvation," Abraxis added. "So you will need to be prepared to barter with them. I believe that mutual defense interests will work with the others, but you will also need to be prepared to deal with more than just the races that have Rangers. There are twenty-four sentient races in this sector of space, fifteen of which are advanced enough to be aware of extraterrestrial life."