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Abraxis Complex 2: Sword of Damocles Page 5

  "The only problem with that is that my location has to remain unknown, General. The personnel sent would not be allowed to contact their home world again," Abraxis replied.

  "Why couldn't they? They don't need to know where you're located. Use a drone ship without windows to transport them. Mandi just gave you a multiplexing com system that is virtually untraceable, so communications shouldn't be an issue," Jared replied. "Hell, doing it that way, you could even rotate people out, if they wanted too. No one needs to know where you are, and soon it won't matter if they do anyway."

  Again Abraxis was quiet for a few moments. "I suppose it would work, even if my location did leak out, it wouldn't be that major of an issue since I can always switch to another of the back-up systems." He said thoughtfully. "Agent Danielson, General, The team is two minutes from jumping back into normal space at their first target. Do you wish to monitor their communications?"

  "Yes we would, thank you Abraxis. Out of curiosity, how far away are they?" Carl asked.

  "Their first destination is near Epsilon Cassiopeiae A, which is nineteen point four light years away. However, the team will be dropping out well short of that system. Upon returning to normal space, they will be fifteen point three light years away," Abraxis replied.

  "How long ago did they leave?" Carl asked.

  Jared looked at his watch. "Just over two hours ago."

  Carl grinned. "Amazing, what about relativity? How long has it been for them?"

  "Elapsed ship time is five point nine-three minutes, General. Although there is still a differential, there is a temporal compensator in the drive units that try to minimize the effects. I should also add that, I am able to communicate with them in faster than light travel, however, normal communications are not feasible," Abraxis replied. "Fighter Greg has ordered a high-speed, dark entry, two light-minutes out from the target."

  "What's a dark entry?" Carl asked.

  "They will not be using any power, nor will they be radiating any emissions. They will coast into the target and destroy it," Abraxis explained. "A cautious approach, but I believe it is the best for this mission. They have no way to know the exact location of the Drellian teams, and I have not been able to detect their movements."

  Carl nodded. "They could be flying into a trap, so Greg's trying to lessen their exposure. It should work. Other than visibly, is there any way the Drellians can track them?"

  "Not that is known," Abraxis replied. "The Drellians will detect the jump back to normal space, but after that, there will be nothing for their sensors to lock on to until the target is destroyed at which time, the Rangers will have had sufficient time to recharge their hyper-jump engines. By the time the Drellians know they are there, our Rangers should be gone again. This is the true strength of the Hypersled."

  Carl was nodding. "I can see that. No wonder they are so devastating to larger ships. They can scream by, coasting, and the ship wouldn't detect them until they started firing. At the speed they are traveling, they would be past and gone before you could even get a weapons lock."

  "Fixer Amanda and Ranger Pilot Bella are working on a sensor capable of locating the special signatures of the bio-material the sleds are made of," Abraxis said, obviously proud of the girls.

  "Abraxis, before we got sidetracked by the issue of personnel for you, I was asking about your assets on our moon," Jared said.

  "Yes, and I replied that there is another set of equipment sufficient for a Ranger team," Abraxis replied.

  Jared nodded. "Since we have a better idea of what's going to be happening here in this sector, could we use some of that equipment to build a base on the moon. We could use that as a staging area to set up a larger dry dock facility, as well as off-world mining and manufacturing for the ships and weapons we are going to need.

  "Once we get ours set up and going, we could help the other worlds with teams get set up also, so we could all get busy setting up for our defense as well as any offensive action we'll need to undertake," Jared suggested.

  "The issue of personnel is still valid Agent Danielson," Abraxis replied. "In order to man the facilities you are speaking of, we will need a considerable amount of people. Will not recruitment on that scale compromise our security?"

  "To some degree yes it would. However, both the General and I have several contacts we can use to garner experienced personnel, without knowledge of the threat leaking out to the general public," Jared replied. "I can even make several contacts overseas in order to involve other countries. Our problem would be keeping the governments out of it. I can guarantee at the first hint of what we're doing, they will want to move in and take over."

  Carl nodded. "And there's the rub. As soon as either of us starts doing any kind of recruiting, we will be required to explain ourselves before a committee somewhere. They'll also panic as soon as they see anything being done on the Moon. Of course, if what we do on the Moon is visible, the whole planet will know about it in short order."

  Jared grinned. "And there's the beauty of the plan. Abraxis's construction drones are fast, and very efficient. We get him to build a small shelter for a few people up there, hidden from direct observation. Sharon and I will head up, and direct our efforts from there. Then we start building a full base in direct view of the planet. When the shit hits the fan, we declare our independence from Earth, but open immigration to select people.

  "Those people will be the ones we want to get this whole mess in motion, not to mention the hundreds of workers and everyone else we're going to need up there," Jared explained.

  "That might work, but if you want to keep Prometheus separated from that, it can't be you that goes," Carl said. "In fact, it can't be anyone we know or that can be connected to us in any way."

  "Excuse me, Gentlemen, but that isn't completely true," Abraxis replied. "I can look like or sound like anyone I wish. If you decide on this plan, I can supply a face for the lunar colony, or several faces if the need arises. However, communications with the Ranger team will normalize in four, three, two, one, and..."

  "Ranger one is green and dark," Greg's voice was heard.

  Both girls also reported their safe return to normal space, but no further communications were heard since they were dark.

  A few moments later, Jolene broke silence. "Target acquired, no further contacts." Again, there was silence.

  "At least they didn't get jumped when they came out of hyper," Jared said softly.

  "Agreed," Carl said in the same subdued voice. "But surely the Drellians wouldn't leave the drones completely undefended would they?"

  "General, there are currently five drones, and at least one team that we know of, but far more likely three Drellian teams out there. There is no way they could cover all of them. However, the odds of hostile contact will increase exponentially as the drones get destroyed.”

  "Two of the other teams are also approaching their targets. At least one of them will be defended. Since the Drellians would also detect the deployment of the teams, there is a good chance that all of them are indeed defended. Just because the Ranger Finder didn't detect any hostiles, by no means precludes them from being there."

  Drone location 'Beta'

  Interstellar space

  Sol Sector

  "Fen'Ness! I have readings!" Tyern'D said excitedly.

  "What are they?" Fen'Ness asked, mirroring her excitement.

  "I am showing four Ranger teams launching from various systems in the sector," She paused. "There is a team launching from that planet we were just at."

  "There's a team there? Why didn't they come out while we were there? They had to know about us?" Fen'Ness shook his head. "That's for later. Why did we not detect the warning from the node? Have you alerted the others?"

  "I am doing that now, Fen'Ness. They are awaiting your orders," Not'Cern replied.

  Fen'Ness growled low in his throat in pride. "Assign them to the closest drones and tell them good hunting. Remind them that our quarry is actually the rogue node

  "I'm not certain, Fen'Ness," Tyern'D replied. "The computer didn't register it because there is something not right here. From what I can get out of it, I am seeing what looks like multiple fragments, and they are originating from all over two-thirds of the sector. I cannot get a lock on a single source."

  "Link with the other finders and try to isolate the primary signal. I will need to report this to Abranix. Where is the Earth team heading?" Fen'Ness asked.

  "I could not get an exact track on them, but I have a high probability they are heading for the drone we dropped just before this one, the computer says there is only a twenty-eight percent chance they are coming here," Not'Cern explained.

  Fen'Ness felt Abranixs’ presence and held up one clawed hand to stall the others. "Abranix, I have a report."

  "What is it, Fen'Ness? Certainly you have not destroyed the rogue already have you?" Abranix replied.

  "Negative, however, I felt the need to report our current situation as it is not what we were told is normal for this type of mission. We deployed five sensor drones in an effort to increase accuracy and to hopefully cause confusion. However, we did not get the expected result. Here is a copy of our logs for your analysis," Fen'Ness replied and touched a button on his control console to send the data.

  A moment later, the ancient machine intelligence was back in his mind. "How did you miss the team on Earth?"

  "I honestly do not know, Abranix. They had to know we were there, perhaps they are simply cowards," Fen'Ness replied. "Either way, we were not there to look for a Ranger team. However, they will soon be dust, so their cowardice has only gained them the choice of their death, not the certainty of it."

  "So you will be jumping to the previous drone to defend it, then?" Abranix said.

  "No, I don't think so. I believe we will stay right here and await their arrival," Fen'Ness replied, surprising his mates, who could hear the conversation this time.

  "What reasoning do you have for disagreeing with your computer?" Abranix asked.

  "This prey is either very tricky, or very cowardly. Either way, I believe he will have the same information we have, and will come here in order to avoid contact with us," Fen'Ness explained. "Even if I am wrong, they must still come here to destroy this drone as well. All we need to do is wait, our prey will come to us."

  "I find your logic acceptable. In the interim, we will work to find out why you could not track the com signals from the rogue. To this end, try to leave at least one member of each of the teams alive. After all, we will need something to track, once we have this figured out. End of Line." Abranix said as he left the minds of the team.

  "Not'Cern, pass those instructions to the other teams. If we do not move, they will not know where we are," Fen'Ness said.

  Office of the Base Commander

  StealthCon, Inc.

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  "Carl, Greg also told me he wants to bring a few of the Marines down into the base for security. The problems I see with that are, Marines talk. Yes, they are a doggedly loyal bunch and follow orders, but this would most definitely push the limits of that. Also, I'm worried there might be plants in there. Who better to spy on someone than one of the guards?" Jared said.

  Carl nodded. "I agree, and it's one of the things I've suspected for some time. How else would the agency know I was lying about the girls? Someone here had to have told them."

  "The problem is, we have no way of knowing who's who. Hell, it could even be Lionel, and we wouldn't know it," Jared replied.

  "Don't you think that would be rather obvious?" Carl said. "He was the first one I suspected once I knew of the leak."

  "Do you still suspect him?" Jared asked.

  "No, I wouldn't have assigned him to Prometheus if I did," Carl replied. "He had no contact with the girls, or any of the folks that examined and tested them. In order for him to be the plant, he would have had to had have used someone else to get to the information."

  "Not unheard of, Marines do gossip, at least among themselves." Jared replied.

  "Course plotted for drone 'beta', hyperspace engines are ready," Bella said from the speaker on Carl's desk.

  "Thirty seconds to jump, intercept in twenty-five. Mark!" Greg's voice replied.

  "They certainly sound professional. I'm impressed, those kids have come a long way in a very short time," Carl said quietly.

  Jared nodded. "I'm very proud of them. It's been really amazing watching them these last few weeks."

  "Target locked! Firing!" Greg replied.

  "Target destroyed, nice shot, Greg." Jolene replied.

  "I get the next one!" Bella said excitedly.

  "Drone confirmed destroyed. Good work Rangers," Abraxis replied.

  "Thanks Abraxis, jumping in three... two... one... Jump!" The audio immediately cut out as the team once again entered hyperspace.

  "Please pass along our congratulations as well, Abraxis. How long until they reach the next Drone?" Carl asked.

  "Six hours, twenty-three minutes, General," Abraxis replied. "As per your earlier discussion. I might be able to assist in finding the informant. By tying into the StealthCon computer systems, I can search all the records of the Marines assigned to the project. In this manner, we should be able to weed out any questionable personnel."

  "Well, could you take care of the officers first?" Jared asked. "That way, they can help us with selecting the rest of the Marines we'll need."

  "I will begin there then. Have you come to a decision about the moon base?" Abraxis asked.

  "I think it's the right place to start, but we will need a little more time refining the idea before we make a final decision on that one," Jared said. "We should also get a plan in place to deal with discovery by the Agency or another of the covert government agencies. As Greg said, it's going to happen, it's just a matter of time. We need to know how to deal with it when it does."

  "Fighter Greg has been working on that issue as well, so far his plans include a force field covering the base not only for defense from Drellian attack, but also for defense against the local authorities as well. May I suggest any ideas dealing with Prometheus's defenses be shared with him?" Abraxis suggested.

  "That makes sense," Carl said. "After all, Prometheus is his responsibility. However, with his permission, I would like to review his current plans."

  "I would as well. Could you pass the request along to him, Abraxis? I know it's not like we don't have enough to do already, but maybe we can think of something to help him," Jared asked.

  "Because of the time differential, he won't be able to give you an answer for almost an hour," Abraxis replied. "Provided he doesn't need to discuss it with the other Rangers."

  "That's fine, Abraxis. The simple fact that communication is possible is just amazing to me," Carl said. "Now, we need to work on this other issue. You know, having a little official assistance might not be too bad, provided we get it from the right place," Carl replied.

  Jared cocked his head to one side. "What do you mean?"

  "You and I both know the intelligence community is paranoid and reactionary. However, if we went outside the community for assistance we might be able to get more done," Carl replied. "Of course, it could very well cost me my career, and quite possibly my life, but I could take this to the President."

  "Isn't that one of the things we were trying to avoid?" Jared said. "If the politicians get into this, then the whole thing could go south," Jared said.

  "True. However, if we don't give them any choice in the matter, they would be forced to help us," Carl said.

  "Still wouldn't work, Carl. The first thing he would do is turn this whole mess over to the Community, and we'd have agents crawling all over us. They would force the surrender of Prometheus and all the tech by threatening to kill innocents.

  "No, that's one of the things I meant by a plan to deal with discovery. The first thing they'll do is secure hos
tages against our behavior. No we'll need to get everyone that can be used against us into a protected area, or someplace that's out of reach of the agencies. Which is one of the reasons I suggested the moon base. However, we'll need to make sure we don't have any spies in our midst before we do that," Jared replied.

  "Did any of the Marines see the team launching?" Carl asked.

  Jared shook his head. "No, but they heard it. By the time a patrol got into the area, the sleds were out of visual range. Lionel told me about it when I passed through the shack on my way here. I told him that it was a normal sound consistent with the experiments taking place in the bunker."

  "Is that all he said?" Carl asked.

  "No, he asked me if he should leave the event in the security log then. I told him he could leave it in the log, but he should probably put the explanation in there as well." Jared replied. "I really hope he's clean, I really like the man."

  "Although he'll never know it, I'm very proud of him," Carl said, but changed the subject. "Now, let's get to work on this moon base idea of yours."

  Hyperspace Transit Vector

  Sol Sector

  Due to the vagaries of hyperspace travel, Greg and the girls spent a bit more time in hyper than they did the last time. The reason was that they actually had to go almost twice as far to get to the second drone as they did the first one. The second drone was slightly farther away from Earth, but it was in the opposite direction. So, for all intents and purposes, the team had to go past Earth to get to the second drone.

  Since they had almost an hour to kill, they talked over ideas for how to defend the sector against the Drellians and the attack that Abraxis predicted.

  They hadn't been talking very long when Abraxis announced that two of the other drones had been destroyed, however, one of the other team members had been killed, and two others were injured.

  “Abraxis, who was it?” Greg asked.

  “Fighter Planier has been killed, and the two injured are his teammates. Currently, both are unconscious and I have triggered the recall function on their hypersleds,” Abraxis explained.