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Homeworld (Bedouin's Travels Book 5) Page 12
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Page 12
Yolinar nodded agreement with Oldstone. "That is very true. Fleet Intelligence did stress that the estimate of forces involved was a 'best guess' based on information available to them. They admit there is much they may be unaware of in this matter. We have several probe craft and remote sensors deployed to attempt to gather more information. It may also be assumed that they will try to capture as many humans as possible to restock their ranches and in retaliation for our raids."
Ben smirked. "That may be harder than they think it will be. All of our pods are still in working condition, and we have been including hardened shelters in every civilian population center we construct. They aren't like the pods we used, but they should keep the Lizards away from the people long enough to make it almost impossible to be kidnapped. It's the rural folks that might have a problem. We did build shelters for them as well, but they are pretty spread out." He paused. "My worry is, do they know about our people on Mars and out at Centauri?"
"Based on the knowledge gained from the interrogation of those we captured, which I will admit predates this event, we do not believe they have knowledge of the new facilities in the Centauri system," Warmake replied. "Because of the security surrounding the Aegis project, we have been especially strict in the screening process for individuals sent there. Once all defenses are complete for that system, we will review our screening procedures, but for the time being, the general public believes that system to be nothing more than a largely robotic mining facility.
"Only standard security checks have been applied to those being sent to Mars. That is to say, only individuals applying for employment in restricted or sensitive areas have undergone extended background checks and screening. Based on this alone, I do not see how the Lizards could be aware of the extent of our operations in Centauri, but probably know of the Martian colony," the large being reported. "We do believe that at least one Lizard spy is still at large here. However, it could be that this person is simply an overzealous corporate spy. We will not know until we catch them."
"It has been several months since the murder of the Tarlis family, you still have no leads?" Jorga asked.
Warmake shook his head. "The criminal was very careful to remove all evidence in this horrendous act. Since that time, they have made no other moves that we can detect. I admit we are at a loss on how to proceed and worry that our inability to locate them is threatening our security."
"I may have an idea to assist you, Commander. May I have a moment of your time after the meeting?" Janice asked.
Warmake nodded. "I would welcome any assistance you may have to offer, Minister."
Ben smiled and nodded at Janice before turning back to the Emperor and Yolinar. "As you know, Aegis One completed its shakedown and was officially renamed Aegis Terra. Aegis Two will be functional in six to eight local weeks. The Galatian gantry at Centauri was placed back in service five weeks after its arrival, even though it's still undergoing repairs and upgrades." He paused to take a drink of his coffee. "I've been told that if current manpower increases continue, the third fortress will be finished in four months and the forth six months after that. Currently, The Galatian has two operational gantries; the second was placed in service last month. As the remaining two gantries are placed in service, they will also begin building new fortresses. At full strength, and barring any unforeseen problems, they will be producing four new fortresses a year, one every three months."
"That's twice as fast as originally projected!" Yolinar replied in surprise. "Have you worked out how to get them where they will be needed?"
Jorga picked up the explanation. "Yes Admiral, We've designed a type of frame that will attach itself to the station and jump it to wherever we need them to go. The transporter will then detach, fold itself up, and return here to await the next mission. The transporter will have its own crew because the designers made it multi-purpose; the transporter can retrieve crippled ships regardless of size, shape, or mass." She grinned at the look on their faces. "The first transporter will be finished before Aegis Two leaves the construction dock. It will move Aegis Two to the Centauri system as a shakedown cruise."
"That is… amazing." Hjoolous replied. "Your people continue to amaze and surprise me."
Yolinar nodded his agreement. "Excuse me Majesty, now that this news has been officially shared, I would like to meet with General Greenwold, as well as Admirals Coir and Oldstone, in a video conference to discuss a defensive strategy. There is much to be done. I would not take up any more of your valuable time in idle conversation no matter how much I may enjoy it."
Gail nodded to him. "We'll return to our command center and call you back, Admiral."
"Very good," Yolinar replied and bowed to everyone. "With your leave, Majesty?"
"Yes, we do have much to get accomplished," Hjoolous replied. "Go and make your plans to protect us and our friends, Admiral."
After Yolinar dropped out of the call, Gail, Elrond and Gerent left after Ben unsealed the door. He looked back at Hjoolous who was still on the comm. "Was it just me, or was Yolinar a bit more abrupt than usual?"
Hjoolous nodded. "He was abrupt. He is worried about you. He feels this situation will make him fail in his duty to protect you. He feels it is his personal duty. Not only because you have quickly become our most important ally in our war efforts, but because he has many friends among you."
"Then we must make certain that he does not fail," Ben smiled. "It is our responsibility to support him as well; we must not fail him, either."
"Before we part, there are a few issues I would speak with you about Ben," Hjoolous replied. "The rest of you are welcome to remain, but if you have other duties, you may depart."
Janice and Warmake both bowed to Hjoolous. "Thank you, Majesty, we will go and discuss what can be done about catching that murderer," Janice replied. When Hjoolous nodded, they left the room as well.
"I should go and double check the status of our shelters and civil defense readiness," Deirdre said standing and bowing awkwardly to the Emperor.
"Deirdre, until the baby comes, you need only bow your head if you must. A full bow has to be getting difficult for you," Hjoolous said.
"Thank you Majesty. Just about everything is getting difficult at this point," Deirdre replied, but was smiling. "Take care of yourself, Hjoolous."
"It is you that I fear must need to be taken care of; if I didn't already know Ben and Jorga had a full obstetrics team following you around, I would have already ordered my own medical staff to attend you!" Hjoolous replied, returning her smile.
Deirdre beamed a smile at him as she left the room, leaving Jorga and Ben alone with the Emperor.
"What can Terra do for you today Majesty?" Jorga asked.
"A somewhat complex issue I'm afraid. One thoroughly embroiled in politics and corporate dealings. Several offers have been put forth by various corporations to buy out certain products you are currently manufacturing for the Empire. In the past, I have been able to use our security as reason to block those offers. That situation will soon change," Hjoolous explained. "At present, the facilities in your sector are responsible for almost eighty percent of all military manufacturing done for the Empire. I would like for you to consider entertaining some of those offers.
"Because of the nature of the discovery your people made out at the Mass, I intend to declare it as a wholly Terran find, thus ceding all salvage and discovery rights to you. I fear that will spark a firestorm of protests among our corporate research interests that would exploit the discoveries there.
"Because of the war, your willingness to help, and frankly the sheer ability you've show in doing so, you have what many see as a very unfair corporate advantage. The addition of the sole rights to the Mass will be seen as obvious and overt favoritism toward you on behalf of the Emperor."
Ben nodded his understanding. "I've been wondering about this. I'm sure, after the shake up the senate underwent over the corruption of so many, I thought that perhaps no one was complaining b
ecause of that. However, now that most of that has been settled, many of the corporations will want to put it behind them and get back to business. The problem being that we are now handling what they couldn't, and they are missing a large part of their business."
"So you are not unaware of the issue, at least," Hjoolous said. "I hate to ask this of you, considering how hard you've worked to build everything, but if we don't do something to counter this, it will become an issue. I feel you acted rightly with regards to your discovery at the mass. Keeping a lid on this for now is the right thing to do. However, once the news gets out, and I announce your right to the claim, it would be too much. Even if you sell off some of the smaller stuff, it still might cause a problem. You were the ones to discover that the Mass was actually wreckage so it's only right you should get the rights to it."
"We haven't had time to debate the issue, but I couldn't see completely restricting access to it. The importance of the discovery is beyond measure for all races, not just us. We may claim any technology and salvage rights, but we certainly wouldn't keep any interested archaeological researchers away. That would be a crime in itself," Ben said.
"That is true I suppose, but I'm afraid reality will not live up to that. The Empire was a consortium for so long that our scientists are all sponsored by corporations now. We are only now getting back to giving out research grants and having governmental sponsored research. I'm afraid most archaeologists that would want to join you would be unintentional corporate spies," Hjoolous explained.
Ben shrugged. "Well, we could always sponsor them ourselves, or make it a condition of gaining access to be sponsored by the Empire and not a single corporate entity."
"That could work, but many might still retain their corporate loyalties. Regardless, that is something for a later discussion. At present, we need to deal with somewhat angry corporate leaders," Hjoolous replied.
"Agreed. Would it also be beneficial if we separated some of the stuff into new corporations listed under the Empire and not Terra, or even make them public?
Hjoolous was thoughtful for a moment. "That might not be a bad idea. There are no public companies or corporations run by humans. That could be beneficial on many levels."
Ben nodded. "We could also contract out for some of the components used in the different projects, while still retaining the classified final result here."
Hjoolous nodded. "There are some technologies we do not want any part of getting out of your direct control. The Aegis Project must remain wholly Terran. We don't want any part of them to be built by anyone else; too much will depend on them for there to be any doubt about them.
"All devices related to your AI technology, to include the new control systems for our ships, will remain with you. We understand having missile launchers built elsewhere, but their control system and guidance computers should stay under your exclusive control.
"Finally, I think it goes without saying that any and all of your enhancement technology remain strictly under your control. As it is, very few individuals in the Empire are even aware of the fact that you have developed such, and we would like to keep it that way. That being said, I would like you to begin research into the large scale enhancement of human soldiers." He paused and frowned. "We respect Doctor Lowe's feelings and beliefs in this, and honestly do not wish to go against them. However, I believe it might be beneficial to all of us if the knowledge were available to us if we were to ever need it."
"I think I understand what you want, Majesty. I will speak to my mother about it. Just to clarify the matter, you would only like the knowledge available, not to begin the process of enhancement. Am I correct?" Jorga asked.
Hjoolous nodded. "You are. The advances you have made to battle suits have greatly reduced the need for heavily enhanced soldiers. It is our hope that eventually we will have no need for this type of enhancement anymore and can focus on purely medical applications."
Ben nodded. "I will speak to the COuncil about spreading the wealth. Once I have their approval, I will proceed according to Imperial Law."
Hjoolous smiled and nodded. "That would be perfect, Ben. Thank you for understanding."
"Majesty, the needs of the Empire must always supersede the needs of business. We'll make sure we don't beggar ourselves, but I'm sure there is much we can do to help," Ben replied. "You know; this is also a great help in alleviating the labor issues we've been having."
Hjoolous nodded. "We thought it would. As much as I would like to remain and talk more, I have court in an hour and must prepare. I will bid you both a good day."
"And to you, Majesty," Ben replied as he and Jorga bowed. Hjoolous closed the connection.
Chapter Nine
Office of King Bedouin
Tower of Government
Stardock City
3 Dec. 10267 CE (AD)
Terra, Sol System
Ben was reading a hastily assembled report of the readiness of civilian emergency services when Gail sent him word that the first of the Lizard attacks had begun. The Taron system at the closer end of the Prosma Reach was to be the first target, and would be playing host to a small fleet of fifteen Lizard destroyers.
Admiral Yolinar had relocated two of the extra fleets stationed at Hyclarion to a point roughly in the middle of the Prosma Reach, which cut the response time down to a few hours from a day or more. The Lizard ships had just begun to gather asteroids for the kinetic bombardment of the planet when Imperial forces arrived in system.
However, Yolinar sent only two heavy cruisers and six torpedo boats to deal with them. The two cruisers dropped out of hyperspace in clear view of the Lizard fleet but so far out that it would be some hours before they would be within engagement range to stop the Lizards. The two ships went to full emergency power on an intercept course just as if they were trying to protect the system.
Unknown and undetected by the Lizard destroyers, the six torpedo boats dropped out of hyperspace on the far side of a gas giant, the nearest planet, and used its gravity to set an unpowered, hyperbolic course that placed them in optimal firing position on the Lizards. Without power, the relatively small craft were all but invisible to the destroyer’s sensors. Previous battles had shown that the torpedoes they fired, which lacked any type of main propulsion, were virtually impossible for the destroyers to target.
Five of the boats took three targets each and fired a full salvo of torpedoes at almost point blank range. The extra torpedo boat held fire and targeted any asteroids that got knocked loose. The Lizards had no time to respond and had no defenses set. They were destroyed before they could even send out a distress call.
The Lizard’s second attack met with slightly more success, but in the end, they too were destroyed by Imperial ships. The Lizards managed to damage an orbital cargo transfer station before they were defeated. The station had been evacuated hours before when the Lizard ships first arrived in system, and it was caught and stabilized before its orbit decayed too much.
With each attack, Ben became more and more nervous. Tracking had not yet located the force coming to Sol System, but he knew they were out there. For the hundredth time, he went over all the preparations in his mind to make sure no one was left unprotected or undefended. He had already issued orders for the evacuation of the more remote areas and the calling of the distant farmers and ranchers that were hours away from a shelter. He ordered a twenty-four hour suspension of all mining activity in the system and had the big mining ships assume a 'dark' defensive profile; find a place to park, turn off all external lights and emissions, and hide. All non-emergency traffic in the system was grounded except for the military.
The academy itself was closed, but the cadets there had been issued armor and weapons and asked to assist civil defense. Civilians and the remaining students did what they could to help, but mostly stayed in their dorms and waited for the order to go to the shelters.
It had been three days since the attack on Taron when Ben finally heard what he had feared; an incom
ing enemy fleet was approaching the system. Ben ordered Mother to activate the evacuation alarms and send out the orders for people to take shelter. When Gail's image finally appeared on his main screen, she smiled at him sadly. "At least you’re wearing your armor, why are you still in your office, Ben?"
"Just haven't left yet is all. I was about to though; I just finished giving the orders. Did you get a count yet?" He asked.
She nodded. "Looks like Yolinar's folks were wrong; we have just over a hundred inbound ships, but most of them read as destroyers and not super-destroyers."
Ben snorted. "To bad Admiral Tyrel won't make it to the party."
"He might not be here for the kick-off festivities, but I wouldn't count his people out yet. He's ten hours out, and it'll take our guests six hours to finish the trip, drop out of hyperspace and travel in system. By the time Tyrel and his folks arrive, we'll just be getting started," Gail said, smiling softly. "But for now, you need to get your royal ass down to the command pod."
"You just said I have six hours. Won't Tyrel and his fleet also have to make the trip in system the same as the Lizards?" Ben asked.
"No, I said it was six hours before the Lizards get to the inner system, we'll start delivering missiles to them in just under an hour," Gail replied. "As for Tyrel's fleet… well, let's just say he isn't going to arrive in the usual way. Go down to the command pod, access the council chamber, and you can monitor the battle from there. Ben, the rest of the government and most of the civilians are already in the shelters. You're the last official still unprotected, and I want that taken care of. Please don't make me order your guards to take you there."
Ben nodded. "Alright, I'll go, one last question though; you said most of the civilians, who's left?"